
Leading Environmental Student Organization at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ethanol Blog!

Place all your ethanol contacts and thoughts here for the 2nd annual Renewed Perspectives Renewable Energy Forum.

..."Whatever benefits flow from ethanol and biofuel production will not generally flow to small- and medium-sized farmers as large-scale energy production will be dependent on large-scale grain production and will increasingly become corporatized"

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Big Stone II hearing Monday

A public hearing on the proposed Big Stone II transmission lines is tomorrow (Monday) at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission's offices in downtown St. Paul. This is a chance for Minnesotans to say no to more coal power and yes to a renewable energy future for Minnesota.

EcoWatch will be meeting in front of Coffman Memorial Union at the U of M at 4:45 PM to go as a group to the 6 PM hearing. We will be taking the bus to downtown St. Paul, but there is also a group that will be biking there, too. Email with questions.

Address of Hearing:

MPUC Large Hearing Room
121 7th Place E, Suite 300
St. Paul, MN

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Help with the Dedicated Transportation Amendment at the U

The Transit for Livable Communities will be at the U of M Minneapolis Campus this Friday to get the word out about the Transportation Amendment on the ballot this November. And they have personally asked EcoWatch to be part of the effort!
The Transportation Amendment would create a dedicated source of funding
for transit projects across Minnesota. The more transit options we have,
the less we will all need to rely on inefficient automobiles.

For more info on the Transportation Amendment, check out and the Transit for Livable Communities' website,

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

MPAC and playing "An Inconvenient Truth"

I talked with a few people from MPAC and it turns out that they have already chosen movies for the entire semester. This means that "An Inconvenient Truth" will probably not be playing in Coffman. I think we could discuss ideas at the next meeting on how to bring the movie to campus through some other means.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Climate Change, Adaptation, and Policy Options

The Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Initiative presents:

"Climate Change, Adaptation, and Policy Options"

Presented by world climate change experts Dr. Habiba Gitay of the World Reources Institute and Dr. Ian Noble of the World Bank

This joint seminar will address what and here are the challenges of dealing with impacts of climate change and what are ways forward.

Monday, October 9
McNeal Hall, Room 10, UMN St. Paul Campus
10:45-11 am: Refreshments and greeting
11-12 pm: Seminar and discussion